Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - Alternate Ending

The darkness seemed to deepen and the sky turned an even darker shade of gray. The darkness seemed to swallow up the moon today, there was no light in the sky. The grass was somewhat wet and I heard hooves just behind mine. Just then, my owner, Ichabod was launched off me because of the flying object which pushed him off. I secretly neighed in joy and trotted forward. As soon as I was a short distance away from the fallen Ichabod, I watched my to be stallion sniff him and his owner pull Ichabod away. The owner of my to be stallion whose name was Headdie, dragged Ichabod by his arms and pulled him away somewhere. I trotted towards my to-be stallion, he was a great steed and I really did love him. My previous owner thought I was male and made me work so much! My new owner would let me and my stallion live together and feed us well. I nuzzled my new mate and he neighed in triumph.
Shortly after, Headdie came back and lead us both to a small cottage where he lived. It was a short brick home, comfy from the rather small looking chimney. My mate's name was Pitch, and even though I was named Gunpowder, I told my mate my name was Caramel because I never really liked that name.
"Now now, Pitch and you, Caramel?" Headdie asked. I whinnied in agreement. "Okay, you two ponies can go have some free time to run, just make sure Pitch comes back home before sunrise because he might fade in the light." Headdie said patting Pitch. We both agreed and ran out to the dark open meadows. The color of the grass seemed to be lighter since I was now I was free. Alas, the sky seemed to lighten too and Pitch started panicking. I calmed him down and told him to run back home, he understood and wailed a goodbye. I watched him gallop back until he was a small speck in the horizon. Then I galloped back home like nothing happened and by the time the annoying school kids came around, I was just grazing on some grass and they seemed to buy my act.
It was the next morning by then, where they found me without a saddle or my owner and seemed to question me. Obviously, I played dumb and they let me be. Even when my owner was gone they still called me Gunpowder and called me a male. This angered me and I ran away, I went to the small cottage to see if Headdie and Pitch were there. They weren't there but I stayed in the cottage and fell asleep. When I awoke I was on some damp grass and it smelled like something good, like sugar. I was immediately very hungry and when I got up I realized it was night and Pitch and Headdie were back in the cottage. To my delight, Headdie was there and had sugar in his hands. The rest of the night was great, I was with Pitch and Headdie looking at the stars, eating sugar cubes, and just relaxing and not working. The grass looked a little greener, and I felt more like a happier and younger horse. This was how I wanted the rest of my life to be, with Pitch and Headie, no Ichabad, no work.


  1. I noticed the snapshot lead. It is interesting and effective. It creates a setting for the story. There is nothing else I would add, as this alternate ending has advanced vocab and is very descriptive. Great writing!
